Thursday, March 13, 2008

No New is Good News!

Hi Everyone:

I had a blood draw last night and another today...I will also be getting them weekly for the next six weeks. Oh joy! I met with Dr. Gouw (wonderful Hematologist!) First, the good news...he does not believe that my bone marrow issues are in any way related to cancer. Yahoo!

Unfortunately, he does not know what is causing the white blood cells to attack and kill the platelets and red blood cells before their "shelf-life" is up, or before my marrow has a chance to make more. Thus the reason for more testing...

My mom wondered if there was some way the white cells could attack the "aging cells." Ha ha!! Wouldn't that be cool??!! I will keep you all posted and thank you for your prayers!

:) Tracie

1 comment:

Melanie said...

So glad to hear!!! Yaboo!!! Hopefully the doctor will figure out what is going on quickly! Keep us posted!