Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"Poncho Villa"

Howdy Pardners: Cold days in Utah require warm, fuzzy '70's style ponchos! At least that is what my mom thought when I was a child growing up in "frigid" San Jose, California. I think I had a homemade poncho for every occasion. So when the granddaughters started to come around, it was inevitable the poncho pattern would reappear! Finally, the handmade, official Grandma Judy ponchos fit "the girls" and we had a little fashion show just for Grandma today. Enjoy the pictures Mom! We love you! (p.s. of course, Abbie was her silly self and had to get in on the fun...but we think she needs a poncho too! Don't you? Extra pee wee sized please! :)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Love the panchos! I always wanted one - I would have been a jealous friend had I known you in CA. :) I hope all is well.