Saturday, October 20, 2007

Greetings From Snowy Utah!

Howdy Everyone:
Greetings from a cold rainy and snowy day in Utah. Ugh. I am just not a winter person. Had a fun time in Chinese class with the Stewart Family today. It is fun to watch Beckett recognize the Chinese words. He seemed to be having a lot of fun and was playing the Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes game. Lucy loves a song about turnip stir fry and makes me do the hand game with her about 100 times per day. Now Abbie is in on the action. I think I just need to record the song and play it on a continuous loop for them! After class we all headed to Fong's Fine Chinese Dining for some grub. Tasty, but nothing like the wonderful food we ate in China. It's just not the same in America - just as American food is just not the same in China. Lucy ate a huge plate of Chicken Lo Mein. Beckett mostly wore his. :) Abbie ate everything in her sight and then some. I was seriously craving a Mango Hello Kitty pudding from the Cow and Bridge Restaurant in Guangzhou. Sigh. When we got home, the girls went down for a three hour nap! Unfortunately, so did I. I have to lie down with Abbie to get her to nap. My plan was to leave the room once she feel asleep and have a couple of hours of quality reading time. Oh well. The nap felt good. :) Have a great weekend everyone! On Wednesday Abbie will have her acrylic prosthetic impression made. They will either have to sedate her or me to do this. Wish us luck! Love, Tracie

1 comment:

Riverdruid said...

Hey Tracie, don't feel bad about the napping, I have to lay down with both kids for a nap too and I ALWAYS fall asleep even though I need to get stuff done while they're asleep. It's exasperating but also nice to have a nice long nap too.

We had a great time hanging with you on Saturday too. Thanks for filling in all the blanks for all of the Mandarin words we didn't know.