Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Hi Everyone:

Just learned that DHL experienced a "service failure" due to high winds in one of their processing locations. So, what does that mean to us? It means that our package will be delivered to our agency tomorrow after 9:00 AM, rather than today. Bummer! So, that will probably result in our dossier being sent to China one day later. Double bummer!

With International adoption, if I have learned nothing else, I have learned that everything is in God's dear hands. For some reason, this delay was meant to be. Hopefully, it will bring something good in return (like being logged in to China's database one day earlier! :) Hopeful and wishful thinking!

Crossing our fingers and toes for DTC in Sandy, Utah


Da said...


Its those "single days" that you end up looking back on and saying "ah ha, there was a reason for that!" When we were putting out paperwork together for Chloe, we were desperately trying to get into group "62". We missed it by a single day, but at the end of the process, group "63" got their referrals before "62". The entire group was lost at the CCAA and they got skipped! They waited an additional month!

I'm so glad to see that you have faith in this process and that things always work out the way they are supposed to! Thanks for keeping us so up to date!


Abbie Le Qian said...

Anne - thank you so much for your uplifting words! Don't know if you saw the blog today, but we are OFFICIALLY DTC 4/20/07!!!!! Stefani wrote that our package was in Alaska (has now left) and is on it's final flight into Beijing. Woo hoo! God is Great!!
