Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bad Blogger!

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted anything to the blog since February 23rd. I am a lousy blog friend. Sorry gang! Let's see, what has been going on lately in our lives? I was supposed to leave for Cambodia this upcoming week on an Operation Smile medical mission. The original student sponsor had a death in his family and was unsure if he would be able to go. So, I was on stand-by. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the sponsor was able to go and I pray that he and the students have a fabulous, safe journey and change many lives! Hopefully, I will get another opportunity sometime this year. I am also waiting to learn more about a medical research trek my friend Michelle and I signed up for. My doctor told me about it and I thought what the heck?! Free vacation to Antigua, Guatemala. All expenses paid and get to travel with Doctor's Without Borders. All I have to do is wear a patch. Some people will receive a placebo, others will receive an investigatory anti-diarrheal patch to prevent Montezuma's Revenge. So common in third-world countries. I will still take my bottle of Cipro with me just in case. Ha ha!! My good friend Carolyn just got approved by her medical plan for Gastric Bypass surgery. She is hoping to have her surgery around the 25th of the month and is totally ecstatic about it. Michelle and I are wrapped up in her excitement. We pray for her safety and that this opportunity will help her to find the happiness she is searching for. I would also like to ask all my friends to pray for my mom's best friend Jody. She is in her early '60s and has a 27 and 29 year old daughter. She is much, much too young and she needs to be there to see her daughters marry and have children. She is much too young to be dealing with a newly diagnosed malignant brain tumor. Keep Jody in your thoughts and prayers as she begins her treatments, that she can be strong and beat this thing. Kids are all doing great and only a few more months until my soon to be 18 year old son graduates from high school. Wild, seems like yesterday he was just a baby. Overall, our family is happy and very healthy. Just the way we like it! Hope you are all great as well.
Love, Tracie xoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, February 23, 2009

Abbie was invited to Raymond Searles, Jr. (Jr. for short) 2nd birthday party. His mom, Erin, and I work together and such a blast. Abbie had so much fun! What a little social butterfly she is, and so full of joy and life!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Girl's Day out at the Dino Museum

All four girls and I had a nice time at the very packed Dinosaur Museum in Lehi last Monday. The little one's were very good and were so tired that night!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Kyle, Ericka and I had the day off so we thought, what the heck, let's brave the crowds and go up to Park City and join in the Sundance Film festivities! It was so nice to get out of the yucky January inversion and up into the warm, blue skies. While there, we ate lunch at a nice restaurant and saw a few celebrities including: the back of Robin Williams' head; the back of Jim Carey's head; the side of Liam Neeson's head; the back of Ewan McGregor's head and the back of Akon's head. Ha ha!! the best part of the day was chocolate!! :)

Happy 50th Birthday "Andy" the Andean Condor

We have a family membership to the Tracy Aviary and the girls LOVE to go visit their birdie friends on a regular basis. This Saturday was the 50th birthday of "Andy" the Andean Condor, and of course we had to go! Andy got a special treat, the kids got cake. We even saw an indoor bird show in the vintage mill. Oh, and Abbie terrorized a peacock. What more can you ask for other than three extra cute little girls! :) (p.s. can you find the Snowy Owl??)

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Silly Lucy and Abbie got into my velcro curlers. They did this themselves! I should have left them in - I am sure the results would have been fabulous! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Birthday Party Fun!

This last weekend, all three girls were invited to a birthday party for a little boy from their school. The kids had an absolute blast bouncing, eating and even roller skating! WOW, does that take me back to the '70's! The girls just took off on their skates like pro's! They must take after their Auntie Cathy! What a blast we had! Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!! (Sheng Dan Kuai Le!!)

Sorry I've been such a bad blogger lately! Between Ericka's two orchestra concerts (one at school and one at Barnes & Noble Booksellers); Shang Dan Kuai Le celebration at Chinese Class; tons of shopping and wrapping; sick family members and work...I'm worn out! Here are some pictures from our latest escapades. After nearly 12 years of admiring people's Sparkleball Christmas decorations, thanks to Dan, I finally have one of my very own!! The first had a little mishap due to one of the kids, but Dan pulled it off an made a new one for me the next day. Yippee!! :) We also learned that our Shih Tzu, Fred Fred, LOVES the snow!! He bounces and prances through it just like a reindeer. But, the funniest thing of all is watching his pink tongue swipe out and link the snow just like a snow cone. Cute little dude! Our love you to you and we wish you a Merry Christmas (Sheng Dan Kuai Le!)

Monday, December 8, 2008

On Saturday, Lucy had her birthday party at Bounce "U" and there were over twenty kids and lots of moms there to participate in the fun! Lucy had so much fun bouncing with her friends! It was especially wonderful, because Marry, Kaia and Beckett were able to come and good luck brought Melanie, Meili and Lili to Utah at just the right time! There were six kids adopted from China, one adopted from the U.S., a friend who just moved here from Israel and speaks Hebrew, Lucy's friend from school who had cleft surgery the same day as Abbie...and many, many other special friends she had made at Kindercare. It was a day the little "princess" is sure to never forget! Marry and Melanie - I love you both! Thank you for making the day special for me too! (Michelle, your fabulous panda cake was a HUGE hit with the kids! :)